RRTHRC February Ride - Pagans Flat
15 February 2025 12:00 pm - 16 February 2025 3:00 pm(GMT+11:00)
Event Details
Pagans Flat has fast become a regular ride on our RRTHRC calendar, the camping is terrific (perched beside the mighty Clarence River). The riding is through the
Event Details
Pagans Flat has fast become a regular ride on our RRTHRC
calendar, the camping is terrific (perched beside the mighty Clarence River).
The riding is through the surrounding hills and farmland and even a beautiful
sandy track to some river rapids.
Attending RRTHRC Rides:
on the Facebook Event OR email the club.
2. WE CHECK YOUR DETAILS – we check we have all your details.
Memberships verified, and we need to collect the PIC (Property Identity Code)
and an emergency contact (name, relationship, and mobile number).
3. CONFIRMATION – attending riders are all added to the
Messenger Group Chat (or emailed details if not on FB). Full ride details and
address are provided there.
Venue: Most of our members will remember Pagans Flat from last
year, it has fast become a popular ride with our members. The tracks are loverly,
open and cleared, there is a small hill climb on 1 of the rides.
We have booked the camping from the Friday afternoon (camping
only, no riding), if anyone would like to go on the Friday, please let us
Dogs: The
club is trialling dogs attending camps. All dogs must be preapproved before
attending (so you must let us know prior to attending, if you arrive with a
dog/s without prior approval, you will be asked to leave). All owners of dogs
must sign and abide by the ‘Code of Conduct’, if this is not followed, you may
be asked to remove your dog from camp, repeated breaches may result in a ban of
offending dogs. Dogs attending each month will also be dependant on the
host/property owner’s approval.
Dogs can attend this ride: No.
Camping Cost:
$10 per person, per night. This is payable in cash to a
committee member upon arrival.
Mostly easy riding on cleared tracks – Recommend horses be shod/booted.
There is at least one stretch up a hill that is rocky in parts.
Horses & Riders should be fit and prepared for creek
crossings, muddy spots, hills and slopes, narrow steep cuttings and trails, and
open glorious pastures with horses travelling at different gaits.
– Pre ride chat at 3pm, this should be horseless.
3:15pm ride out time for 2 – 2.5 hrs.
– Pre ride chat at 9am, this should be horseless. 9:15am ride out time
for 2.5 – 3 hrs, Including morning tea break.
What to bring:
all the usuals – Water for yourselves / horse yards / Camping gear for
STRICT CUT OFF – You must confirm your
attendance before 5pm on Wednesday 12th February.