Director – Development/President
I have been an active ATHRA member for many years, I live in Armidale, NSW and am a member of the New England Trail Riders Club. I have a wealth of experience in management roles along with qualifications in Commerce, Commercial Law, risk management and as a Certified Practicing Accountant. I have been involved in…
Director - Communications/Secretary
I first started riding horses for work when I was employed by the then Soil Conservation Authority in the late 1970’s to supervise summer cattle grazing in the Bogong, Snowy Bennison & Dargo High Plains. Whilst I didn’t continue riding after those 5 years (even though my daughter and wife both rode) I never lost…
Director - Finance
I am based on the Gold Coast where I operate a small bookkeeping practice. I bought my first horse, a pacer mare, within the same three months I obtained my driver’s licence and first car. Goals! Learn to ride! Over the last 40 years, I have been a keen Eventer and Showjumper and more recently…
Director - Technical Training
I have been afflicted by the horse-riding bug since aged 9. No-one else in my family, back then or now has experienced this condition, but it never stopped me continuing as my favourite way to spend time. I first started trail riding with Tweed club 13 years ago and soon became Treasurer. Since then, I have belonged…
Executive Officer
I have been an avid horse lover since early childhood. We lived across the road from a small farm belonging to a farrier and his family, I would go over and help in the hope I would be able to ride their young children’s ponies when they had got bored, (they were only about 3…
ATHRA Organisational Structure