BSTHRC – CALAJERO CAMP 2024 Friday 20th to Thursday 26th September 2024.
20 September 2024 12:00 pm - 26 September 2024 10:00 am(GMT+11:00)
Event Details
NOTE: This camp is NOT recommended for nervous riders. Riders & horses must be fit to attend. “The Barn” at Calejero is
Event Details
NOTE: This camp is NOT recommended for nervous
riders. Riders & horses must be fit
to attend.
“The Barn” at Calejero is situated on
the Dargo Road on Iguana Creek at
Glenaladale, about 40-45 minutes’ drive north east from Stratford, or north
west from Bairnsdale. The trip is quite
straight forward, approximately 5-6 hours floating. Members may wish to make arrangements to
travel together, for “in company” support.
Photo 1 above depicts the well-equipped kitchen/lounge with cosy
fire, (two large fridges are not shown).
The 2nd is a view of the undercover socialising area with
cabins on the right. Note the comfy
chairs, wood heater and wood fire pizza oven in background.
The Barn has 8 rooms
with sleeping accommodation for various numbers, and there are 5 bunks in a
large dormitory type area above, with room for swags. You may camp in your float or personal
accommodation, but the cost is the same.
Hot showers & full toilet facilities, fully equipped kitchen (BBQ,
gas stove, microwave, fridges, all plates & utensils), safe paddocks for
horses, and some yards. Bring portable yards if you wish to keep your horse
separate. This event is self-catered so
BYO food and your choice of beverages, as well as horse feed. Bairnsdale is only 35 minutes away, (we
usually visit there on the rest day), and has a variety of shopping
options. There will be a pizza night, so
bring along suitable ingredients. BYO
blankets, pillows, sheets, sleeping bags etc, and towels to suit your personal requirements.
This event is not open to Day Members, but ATHRA members and
Club families/friends are welcome. It is vital that we make efficient use of the
available space, and rooms will be allocated accordingly. Members may attend for all nights at a
discounted rate, or as many days as they wish; refer to notes re venue costs
on next page.
VENUE COSTS: Adults $60
per person per night, (or $55 if you stay for all 6 nights),
children under 16 are $25 per night, pre-schoolers and HORSES are
A $100 deposit is required with your nomination/booking,
the balance payable on arrival. OR you
can EFT the full amount calculated @ – 6 nights at $55 = $330, or $60 per night
if not staying for all 6 nights.
Rooms will be allocated
according to requirements etc.; early nominations and bookings will have
preference. Confirmation of payment of your
deposit is required before a booking will be confirmed. Payment by EFT (direct deposit) into the Club
CLUB – Bendigo
Bank account, BSB 633-000, Account
Number 155 873 003. Please quote your
name and Cal as a reference, E.g., Salter Cal.
ARRIVE AT THE VENUE UNTIL AFTER MIDDAY on Friday 20th, to allow time for
cleaning and preparation of the venue. We
must vacate the venue by 10am on 26th September.
There will time for a
relaxing leisurely ride on Friday to let the horses wind down after their
journey. Rides will be arranged daily,
according to member preferences and skills, easy and not so easy, half or full
day. Attendees can choose to ride or
rest on any particular day. There are plenty
of non-horse-riding activities on offer for non-riders & rest days. Horses
and riders will require a degree of fitness and it is suggested that members
start preparations/training early.
NOTE: Those who have attended this event all agree
that this is not a ride for nervous riders, so please bear this in mind if
nominating. It is important that you do
not “overfeed”
your horse with unnecessary hot feeds.
Basic feed of chaff and Lucerne chaff with a cool supplement and good
clean hay will be quite sufficient. This
helps prevent tying up and an uncontrollable horse. Advice on feeding and preparations is
available if required.
Horses will need to be
shod in the week before the camp. Boots can come off in this tough terrain, it
is hard and stony under foot, with many river crossings etc., so shoeing is
recommended. Breastplates are essential
as we will be riding in hilly terrain most of the time. You should consider using a crupper if your
horse does not have a good wither.
The Lindenow Pub
(with very good cuisine), is a short drive away if members wish
to dine out.
All camp nominations must include the
nominees name and mobile, their emergency contact’s name and mobile, and state
that they understand they must NOT attend this event if their horse or they
become unwell or infectious. Use the
format below and email the
nomination after entering all the required details outlined above, to . DO NOT use the
flyer to nominate.
Nomination format:
(enter name & mobile), wish to nominate for the Calajero
Camp from the 20th to 26th September 2024. I
understand that I must not attend this event if either my horse or I become
unwell or infectious. My emergency contact is (name and phone number).
Rules of the Ballarat Social Trail
Horse Riders Club
Incorporating Health Related Protocols” ~
21st February 2024.
1. Members
must become familiar and comply with the ATHRA Code of Conduct & these BSTHRC
2. No person
shall attend a Club ride or other event if they are experiencing a temperature,
cold or flu like symptoms; or symptoms of any other illness which may be passed
on to others.
3. The Club
will ensure compliance with government-imposed restrictions and rules relating
to all issues.
4. All
intending riders at any BSTHRC ride or event must email their nomination in the
prescribed form to , or
other nominated email address.
5. Nominations
must include the nominees name and mobile, their Emergency Contact’s name and
mobile, and a statement similar in meaning to the example following – “I
(name and mobile No) wish to attend (name the event). I understand that I
must not attend this event if either my horse or I become unwell or
infectious. My emergency contact is (name and phone number)”.
6. If
subsequent to nominating for a ride or event, a nominee is exposed to Covid-19,
becomes unwell with cold or flu like symptoms, or
other symptoms of illness as referred to in Rule 2, they must Not attend a Club
ride or event.
7. The Trail
Boss or a member of the BSTHRC Committee may at their discretion, exclude a
rider if they believe on reasonable grounds there is a risk that rider may
transmit an illness to others. That
rider shall leave the venue immediately.
8. Members are required to sign the Ride Attendance Register upon
arrival at a ride or event venue.
9. Applicable
ride fees must be paid on arrival.
10. All
attendees at BSTHRC rides or events should be mindful of social distancing and
avoid unnecessary close contact and crowded situations.
11. All
attendees must observe recognised biosecurity measures for both humans and
12. A lame or
sick horse must not be brought to Club rides or events. If you suspect your horse is unwell, DO NOT
bring it to a ride. Members should
remain mindful of horse health and welfare issues, and apply appropriate
biosecurity strategies at all times.
13. The Trail
Boss shall have the discretion to exclude a horse they believe is not fit for
the intended ride, or is unwell or suffering any injury.
strongly recommends that all riders have Ambulance Cover. An ambulance will be called if deemed
appropriate by the Trail Boss, the injured rider being responsible for all
15. The BSTHRC
recommends that all riders wear an approved riding helmet. Riders under 18 years, and riders registered
as a Junior Member must wear an approved riding helmet.
16. Riders
under 16 years must be accompanied & supervised by their parent or
guardian, or an adult member nominated in writing by their parent or guardian.
17. All riders
must carry a lead rope and halter on all trail rides.
18. Horses
known to kick must wear a red ribbon in their tail.
19. All riders
must advise the Trail Boss of any pre-existing medical condition prior to the
commencement of a ride. They should also
carry any appropriate medication, including EpiPen if applicable.
20. Horses
must be appropriately fit and conditioned for the intended ride, including
adequately conditioned feet, boots and/or shoes.
21. Stallions
may only be used after prior approval from the Committee; and must display a
blue ribbon on their head gear and tail.
22. Breast
plates and cruppers are recommended.
23. Unless
otherwise stated, DOGS are not permitted at rides or events. Dogs are not
permitted to accompany a ride.
All riders must
adhere to these Rules and the ATHRA Code of Conduct. Rider participation signifies their
understanding and acknowledgement of these Rules and the Code of Conduct, and
their willingness to comply