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Progressive Lunch ride

Progressive Lunch ride
Progressive Lunch ride
Jul 19

Progressive Lunch ride

Event Info
Date & Time: Jul 19 2015 at 10:00 AM - Jul 19 2015 at 02:00 PM

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  • Discription

    July ride out – Progressive lunch – Roseworthy – Sunday 19 July 2015

    Host –  Sandra East                  ph 0400884402              Arrival 9am+ for a 10am start    


    Ride description: this is a fun ride/progressive lunch to celebrate & warm feast in the cool winter weather – So come dressed & ready to celebrate keeping warm – so wear your onesies!!!


    Ride will start & finish at Sandra S's place at Roseworthy (the last time before she moves to a cooler climate!)  After some pumpkin soup &/or a stirrup cup & we will ride out on quiet gravel roads (~1 1/2 hrs) to Sandra E's place at Gawler Belt for a fabulous Roast Turkey lunch & drinks  (~ 11.30am for ~1.5 hrs)  before remounting & riding ~1 hr on a different route back to Sandra S's to finish off with yummy deserts.  Walk & trot expected.   


    Soup & Roast will be provided but please bring your drinks & a small desert/sweets to share.  Have your lunch drinks available in the morning before riding out so they can be ferried to Sandra E's place to have with lunch (esky & ice will be available - especially for your bottle of bubbly).  Horses will be tied up during lunch so bring you halter & lead (on your horse) for this purpose. 


    To help with the catering it would be appreciated if you could contact Sandra East on ph 0400884402 (She’s doing the shopping!) to let her know if you are intending to come & if you would like to donate something to the catering.  Please notify Sandra for catering by Wednesday (15 July) at the latest


    So remember if you don’t want to be bothered to ride (or your horse is out of action), Non riders are also very welcome to join in on the day. Family members are also welcome. Don’t forget to BYO desert & drinks.


    Don’t forget to dress for the winter weather IN YOUR warm ONESIES – the best dressed horse & rider will receive a fantastic prize.....


    https://www.kigu.me/sites/default/files/styles/kiguinthewildphoto/public/gallery/679horse-riding-onesies.jpg?itok=MMog-L8A http://i.ytimg.com/vi/_HFtkWopPcI/hqdefault.jpg http://875357559f655c0fd9842374.eventingnation.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/article-2326686-19CD2016000005DC-0_634x464.jpg http://www.tocompleteistowin.com/uploads/2/5/5/8/25588397/150367.jpg?355  


    Directions for ride – Sandra S’s place - heading toward Roseworthy township on Main North Rd from Gawler just inside the 60k zone turn left (Lienerts factory is on right) onto Gartrell Rd (pub will now be on your right), go straight across railway line & then 1st right onto Ronda Ave & 5th house in right (before turns to dirt) - parking in yard or paddock.  Directions questions ring Sandra S on 08 8524 816408 8524 8164 Signs will be out.


    https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRZPcX4Tx6nzFk-uSUzr6vL9cTcxPi7Bsaa2Qp26X01adpL6b280ADirections for lunch only:- Sandra E’s place, “Moonah”, 23 Barkley Dr, Gawler Belt.   Heading toward Roseworthy College from Gawler/Willaston on the Mallala Rd, turn left just passed Xavier college onto Kentish Rd, follow the road approx 600m & turn 2nd right onto Barkley Dr. (if you get to the cross rd you have gone too far).


    Cost-ATHRA member $2 Food fee & Non ATHRA member visitor fee $25 (please be advised that if you are not a member of ATHRA you will need to be sponsored by an ATHRA member to participate). Please bring the correct change & place in tin at sign on book

  • Category
    South Australian Event
  • Location & full address
    ronda Ave, roseworthy south australia
  • Date & Time
    Jul 19 2015 at 10:00 AM - Jul 19 2015 at 02:00 PM
  • Event Admins
    Gawler Trail Horse Riders Club



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